Thursday, December 29, 2011

It was the most wonderful time of the year

Our first Christmas with our son....weird.  It was such an amazing experience thanks to all of our family.  We are definitely trying to recover a bit from traveling but we did better then expected.  Zach was sick early in the week so we were a little nervous about the Christmas weekend, but he was feeling much better by Friday to kick off the festivities at Grandma & Grandpa Brinkers.  We had a wonderful time with all our family and was so glad that Zach got to meet Aunt Beth from California!  Thank you to everyone for making our first holiday as a family of 3 wonderful.  

Santa's newest elf

Driving the new go kart with Abby....I don't know who is smiling more...probably me, I know I screamed like a little girl more

Playing with Grandma and Grandpa McClure

Aunt Beth from California!  He has finally gotten to meet all his Aunts and Uncles and they all let us know there will be some loud toys and instruments in our future

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Want some cheese with that whine

Why yes my day is going a little bit like this....

This picture cannot capture how far out that bottom lip really was

All this whine made mommy need a glass of wine.

No babies were harmed in the making of this post, he was fine, just unhappy with the appearance of my face I guess.  

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The first blow out

So it has happened....we had our first diaper blow out.  It was as disgusting as I imagined it would be.  We weren't even at home.  I guess it was good we were at my moms so I had an extra set of hands helping with the poo explosion.  It was everywhere.  I took care of getting the clothes off and getting everything cleaned up and my mom just put him right in the bath.  Add this to my list of disgusting things I have can be right after picking someone elses nose without a second thought (granted they are tiny little baby boogers, but still super gross when you think about it).

I love poo....and my monkey hat that is maybe a little small on my ginormous head

Sunday, December 18, 2011

3 Months Old!!

Cripes I say this every month, but I can't believe Zach is 3 months old already!

- I'm not sure his exact weight and measurements since we didn't have a doctors appointment this month, but it's safe to say he has packed on some pounds and is probably longer.

- He is still in size 1 diapers, but could bump up to size 2.  We will finish the box of 1's we have open and then start on 2's.

- His 0-3 month clothes are still fitting.  The pants definitely fit, but some of his onesies are getting small.  The 3-6 month onesies are a little big but work.  His 3-6 month clothes are washed and ready to switch out the 0-3 month clothes here shortly.

- He is taking 5 bottles a day, 6oz. each.  Sometimes he doesn't finish the entire bottle, but not often.

- He is sleeping through the night still.  He goes down around 8pm and wakes up at 6am.

- He is developing quite the personality.  He gets his eyebrows going and makes all sorts of faces.  He likes to give the stink eye if he doesn't like what is happening.  He also smiles so much more then before.

- He sticks out his tongue now.  I make funny faces at him and he has started to squeal and stick his tongue out at me.

- He loves to make noises and "talk"

- He likes bath time.  His little arms and legs get going like crazy.

- He is nosy!  He doesn't like to sleep during the day...he gets worried he will miss something.  I can't complain since he sleeps all night.  We're still working on getting naps in during the is hit and miss.  He is a disaster if he gets over tired though.

- He loves his mobile.  He smiles at it and loves to watch it before he takes a nap.

- He still loves to stand.  He would much rather be held up like he is standing then sitting or being snuggled.

- He is getting close to rolling over.

The biggest thing is definitely his personality coming out.  It is so fun to watch how he grows and absorbs his surroundings.  We are blessed and are trying to enjoy each day....even the disaster baby days :)

3 Months and not impressed with the photo shoot

...also not very impressed with mommy

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Making Electricity

Matt is making electricity work that is.  The shut down is finally coming to a close and he will be working normal hours again.  It has been a long 10 weeks with crazy hours.  We can start figuring out what our new "normal" is and Matt will get to have more time with me and Zach.  It has been a struggle for sure with us both being exhausted.  Thank goodness for my mom when I just needed a break and for watching Zach so me and Matt could still go on dates here and there.  

We're back to a normal schedule just in time for Christmas which is always chaotic.  We're really trying to focus on having a stress free holiday with a little time to relax together as a family since we haven't gotten to do much of that since Zach was born.  

We are also having success with our routine.  We have feedings, bedtime and wake up time almost down to a science.  The nap times are what is difficult, but we're getting closer to a consistent routine.  I have found like is much better with the routine and making sure Zach gets enough sleep during the day.  If it were up to Zach he would never sleep during the day.  He is nosy and just gets super cranky if he doesn't get enough sleep (just like his mom), so nap times have really helped us have a happy boy for most of the day.

And because a post would not be complete without a picture.....

Happy boy on the changing table...he loves to be naked

I make things sound all sunshine and roses but we get a fair amount of this too....screaming like he is on fire.  This was his 2 month picture.  Apparently he was worried the alphabet singing dog was going to attack. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Baby swing = miracles

Ok so we were a little late on this whole baby swing thing.  We have a small place and those suckers are huge and expensive.  We had the rocking, vibrating seat so why would we need a swing?  Oh man were we wrong.  Maybe in the beginning it would not have been as amazing as it is now, but now it is Zach's bff.  He LOVES the swing.  Around 7 weeks my mom watched him so I could go on a date with Matt and she about rocked the vibrating chair to its limit and suggested a swing.  Duh....little man loves to be moving, he has to always be moving and looking at new things or he gets bored and we hear about it (we hear that means he is smart, I think it just means he is nosy and stubborn like his parents).  I found a mega swing with music, a mirror, things that spin over head and is rocks like a cradle at Once Upon a Child (a used kids store, think goodwill only with kids stuff) pretty cheap, but covered in crayon.  I took a chance, brought it home and cleaned it up.  It works like new and Zach loves it.  He especially loves himself....he laughs and smiles at the baby he sees in the mirror a lot.....he may be a little narcissistic already, but I really don't care since it keeps him happy.  And holy cow I can put him down and do things like pee and eat lunch instead of just doing laps around the house holding him.  Life is good.
The baby swing also means I get to actually talk to my husband a little bit at much cheaper then couples therapy or babysitting.

The swing through Zach's eyes....

Who is that baby...

...oh man he is handsome...

...and so funny....I love him....

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Zach is 2 Months Old!

*This post is totally late....maybe next month I'll get to it on the correct date....probably not but I can dream

Zach is 2 months old!  He changes everyday.  It is amazing to see how different everything is after just a few short weeks.  I can't wait to see how things grow and change by Christmas time.

- 11lb & 9oz and 22 & 3/4" long which places him in the 50th percentile for height and weight....don't worry he makes up for it with head size, which he measures in the 90th percentile.

- We are still in size 1 diapers and they are not getting tight.  They are still a little baggy on his tiny baby butt.

- He is in size 0-3 month clothes.

- We still use the Similac Sensitive formula but we don't have nearly as many problems with gas....although he can clear the room with some of his farts.  He is taking 5oz every 3-4 hours.  We're on a fairly consistent eating schedule where he gets 5oz at 6am, 10am, 2pm, 5pm, 7:30pm and 9:30pm.  We're testing things out where we drop the 9:30pm feeding and move the 7:30pm feeding back to 8pm...we'll see.

- Zach is still such a good sleeper, thank god!  It's like he knows when mommy needs the extra sleep and bumps is up a notch.  He is now sleeping 8 hours or more at night.  He goes to bed by 10pm at the latest and gets up around 6am.  He goes right to sleep at night with ocean noises playing and his pacifier.

- We get so many smiles and even a few laughs.  Daddy makes you smile the most, there is something about his voice Zach just loves.  Along with the smiles we do get the stink eye though....that look when he is not impressed.

- He is "talking" a lot.  He likes to coo and make noises when you talk to him.  He is having a whole conversation in his head some days.

- He is liking tummy time more and gets his arms and legs moving like crazy.  He likes to play better on his back where he can swat and kick his hanging toys.

- He likes to sit in his bumbo for very short periods of time, but is controlling his head very well and getting better at sitting up with some help.  He loves to stand and look around....clearly not on his own, but is supporting his own weight pretty good when we hold him up.

- He loves the swing.  We just got a swing and he loves it and my arms get a little bit of rest which is nice.

- He loves music.  Primarily he loves classical music and rap, totally weird I know.  We have a toy that I like to call the baby ipod that we now bring with us everywhere.  It plays music and lights up and he loves it.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

True Story

So yesterday I got Zach out of his crib and he had his pacifier in his mouth.  I walked into the other room, which apparently made him very upset, and Zach started screaming which clearly makes his pacifier fall out.  Once I got things under control (he hates me at times, but that turd always loves his swing) I go in search of the fallen pacifier.  Now our house is small and I look for a good 15 minutes and can't find it anywhere.  I'm starting to worry the dog ate it when I find it.......down my shirt.  How that happened and how in the world I didn't notice is beyond me.  The moral of the story is when in doubt check in your clothes.

Look at this's hard to believe I can scream so loud

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hippie Fail

Matt makes fun of me for being a tree hugging hippie....I hide it well.  I can go on a tangent about using the plastic water bottles for hours (and probably have), I plan on making my own baby food and am working on finding a cloth diaper that works for us.

Side note: Seriously way more cloth diaper options then I ever imagined.  We got one kind, too big, got a different kind, too small.....time to stop ordering online and actually go to a store to check this hippie love out.  I am on a mission now.

Anyway, so I guess I am a little bit of a hippie.  There is one hippie practice I cannot do though (well I'm sure more then one, I shave and stuff, lets not get weird) and that is on demand feeding and sleeping for Zach.  I'm a structured person but tried this method, which I failed.  I just can't do it.  I need a routine and schedule or some sort, even if it is a loosely based one.  So now that is what we're working on, I feel as if it may be rough, wish us luck.

Sleepy boys

Just too cute not to put on here, Zach playing in the leaves with his cousins

Monday, November 7, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pee Happens

So it finally happened.....Zach peed on his own face.  Matt and I have been peed on many times, as well as some of our walls, many outfits, kitchen cupboards and even a pumpkin pie, but never has Zach peed on his own face.

I didn't change his diaper quite quick enough and sure enough he peed on his face, which is bad enough, but then tried to lick it off his face.  So gross but I was laughing so hard.  I was worried about the effects of pee so close to the eyes and in the mouth, so once I got myself together I used a wipe for face clean up.

I knew it was bound to happen, I mean that boy shoots pee fast and far, but it was more hilarious then I could have ever imagined.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

UT Homecoming

Zach's first homecoming was a success.  It was a beautiful day and nice to see a few old friends.  We didn't stay for the game, but UT won....way to go Rockets!

Zach liked tailgating so much he slept through all of it snuggled up with Peg

Twins....oh so ridiculous

Monday, October 10, 2011

Amish Matt's Crib

Matt did finish the crib right after we got home from the hospital.  He really would have had it done and in the house by Saturday morning before I was induced if I wouldn't have messed it up and gone into labor on my own on Friday night.  The thing is gorgeous.  I know I got a little stressed about it not being done but it was well worth the wait.  I'm sorry that I may have over reacted when I went out and saw Matt chiseling pieces to fit and again started the conversation about how he should just use screws and modern wood working technology.  Matt managed to build this crib, that could hold a grown man, without using any metal parts until the end.  He only used screws to connect the box spring to the bottom.

I am just so impressed and proud of Matt.  It is a beautiful piece of woodworking and our first family heirloom.

Still in pieces in the shop

Matt putting one of the sides together

Putting it together in the nursery with JJ there to supervise

Putting the pins in to hold it together...why yes, screws would be much easier, but apparently less safe and less pretty

All put together!  Yes that is the deer mobile and bedding.  It goes well with the log cabin look.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

One Handed Wonder

I have discovered I can do the following things with one hand...

- Make lunch
- Eat lunch
- Transfer laundry
- Make a grocery list
- Look up recipes online (those crock pot girls are pretty amazing)
- Feed the dog...I have not mastered getting him water, that makes a mess
- Prepare a bottle
- Read a book (the Nook was the greatest gift ever)

....and I managed to do it all without hitting the baby's head on anything, which is impressive.  I'm sure I'll have more things to add by next week.

Zach also had his first real bath.  He didn't hate it, but I wouldn't say he liked it.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Gearing up for the Outage

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the outage at Davis Besse, which means Matt will be working 12 hour days, 6 days a week.  He will get each Saturday off (if nothing goes horribly wrong) and will hopefully be done with the outage by the beginning of November.  Needless to say we're not looking forward to it and will miss Matt at home.  This afternoon we got to visit with Matt's family and Zach got to meet his great grandpa McClure.  Zach has now met 6 grandparents, 5 great grandparents and 1 great great grandma...he is pretty lucky to have so much family that loves him!

Last night we got wild and crazy and went out to dinner and signed up for a Sam's Club membership.  If you want 4 gallons of ketchup feel free to use our card.  I debated buying a pallet of coffee and diet pepsi but resisted.

Tonight we're trying to relax and soak up some family time since it will be just me and the little man hanging out soon, feel free to come visit :)  I think while Matt is working crazy hours we will try to do some visiting...we'll see.  Some days I'm just lucky to shower let alone go visit people.

Sleepy baby burrito

Our first doctors appointment....Matt couldn't believe I took a picture.  I made sure to do it before the doctor came in so I wouldn't look crazy.

Monday, September 26, 2011

First Week at Home

We survived our first week at home and Matt headed back to work today.  It's only a little frightening that I'm trusted with our baby alone.  I've only checked to make sure he didn't randomly stop breathing a few dozen times.

We went to the pediatrician on Friday and everything looks good.  He of course peed all over the scale, but really what do you expect when you strip him was cold in there.  Zach is already an ounce heavier then when he was born and had a little yellowing that has gone away.  We're lucky and he currently sleeps a solid 3 hours at a time.  This means I live my life in 3 hour sections which seems to be just enough time to finish nothing.  I'm getting good at getting things half way done.  I did manage to shower, eat lunch and do the normal daily tasks and make sure Zach was happy and I didn't even freak out or cry yet is a success.

Zach & Daddy probably watching football

Mommy messing with Zach while he was mature

Open eyes, scary baby face

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Photo bomb

So many pictures of Zach to choose from....I'll try to keep it down to a only a mildly embarrassing number of pictures.

Welcome baby Zach! 

With that new baby it's more of a poo smell I hear...

First family photo

Getting ready to head home.  Cousin Robby picked out his outfit.

He loves to have his hands out and either touching his face or hanging out above his head.  

Ok, enough photo bomb for today...I'm sure there will be more soon.  This should tide over Kate for awhile though :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Welcome Zachary David McClure!

Well we didn't make it to Tuesday.  Zachary David McClure came into the world at 11:59pm on Friday, September 16th.  He weighed 6lbs 15oz and was 19 & 1/2 inches long.  He is perfect...but I'm a little biased.

We all survived our first night at home and are beyond in love and excited.

I'll upload pictures and share more about our eventful weekend soon!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Kicking Baby Out

After our visit to the doctor we have some exciting McClure will be here in less then a week! If baby doesn't come on its own this weekend, I'm going in Tuesday morning to be induced.  This is a little early, but based on my blood issues we decided this is the best course of action.  I'm still hoping baby decides to make an appearance on his/her own this weekend, but it's exciting to know that by next week, no matter what, baby will be here!  

We're trying to relax a bit this weekend and do any final prep for baby to come home....which has been done for weeks, but anything else my crazy mind can come up with between now and then.  

Monday, September 12, 2011

Patiently Waiting

So we're still just patiently waiting for our little one.  Nothing new to report.  I am trying to be patient and enjoy my sleep and relaxing now.  Full moon tonight so we'll see if it stirs up anything crazy :)  I go to the doctor again on Wednesday so I'll have a report after that.

38 & 1/2 Weeks....almost there!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Baby False Alarm

So yesterday was an exciting day for us.  I had some contractions on my morning walk but they quit once I finished my walk and sat down for a bit.  I didn't have anything for the afternoon and then mild contractions started later in the day.  Once they were a little less then 5 minutes apart we headed to the hospital.  They monitored me but the contractions got more mild and further apart so they said I could go home.  I was just happy to see I  was actually having contractions and not losing my mind!

I have a doctors appointment today so we'll see if anything is going on.  Baby is trying to decide if it's ready to meet our crazy family and friends :)

We also made some big purchases recently.  We got a new fancy camera and a car.  The camera was Matt's department, I have no idea the specs....I was in charge of coupons, looking for discounts and figuring out how I could make it cheaper so I wouldn't freak out.  We managed to get the camera for half off which made my (cheap) soul happy.

We also traded in the Jeep Liberty for a Jeep Patriot.  It was also a great deal and we got way more for trade in then we anticipated so we went for it.  So if you know me, you know these purchases made me hyperventilate only a little bit.  I am a penny pincher, but am very happy with our purchases.

Now we're all set just waiting for baby to decide it is really ready to make an appearance!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Almost full term!

I must admit I'm in a fantastic mood this week.  I'm turning 27, I hit 37 weeks on Thursday which is considered full term, and I get to stop my's a pretty awesome week.  I'm feeling good and my doctor was teasing me about going into labor on labor day, we'll see what happens!  It's so close we're so excited.

I packed our hospital bag this week and installed the car seat.  Let me tell you, I tried to make the car seat installation more difficult then it was and it led to lots of swearing.  Don't worry I figured it out and the seat is in and ready to go...even though I felt like an idiot, I got it done and read the entire manual.

I take our dog JJ for a walk every morning, I thought Matt should document this fact...not sure why.  Yes that giant crater in my shirt is my weird, stretched out belly button and I am indeed rocking the old Chi Omega sports shirt.  

36 Weeks bump picture.  Yes it is necessary for me to stand with my feet that far apart now...I'm like a weeble  (weebles wobble but they don't fall down...anyone else remember those?).

I'm feeling good still and Matt has been great.  I think he is starting to get nervous, there are a lot of 'How are you feeling'.  Just feeling pregnant, and I thought I lost my mind temporarily but apparently that was just nesting.  Feel free to come over and look in my drawers, they are all compulsively organized.  

Sometime in the next 3 weeks we'll have a baby!  We'll keep you updated!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Almost Shot Free!

We had a doctors appointment on Monday to talk about labor and delivery....holy cow we're getting close! The good news is I get to stop taking my shots next week.  I'll have to take them again once the baby is born, but I'll get to be shot free for a little bit anyway.

I have also dropped, lightened, whatever you would like to call it and am starting to thin.  Baby is getting ready!  I can't believe it is so close!  I have appointments every Monday now until baby arrives so we'll update you on the progress.

We have our last childbirth class tonight.  I know there are mixed feelings on the childbirth classes, but I say overall I'm glad we took them.  It helps we have friends in the class to sit and talk with.  Tonight a pediatrician is coming to answer any questions we have and who knows what else.

Baby McClure will be here before we know it!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Preggo Food Weirdness

 The weirdest thing about pregnancy has been food for me.  I had a short period of time where I craved hot dogs and another short period of time where it was Cool Ranch Doritos....totally weird.  Through most all of the pregnancy I have craved apples.  I eat an apple or applesauce everyday.  Now this may not seem so weird, but I have never liked apples.  The texture, all of it, would gross me out.  It will be interesting to see if I like apples after the baby comes.  

I also have not wanted any mexican food.  I would have eaten at El Vaquero or really any mexican restaurant everyday prior to pregnancy.  I loved it.  Now the thought of it makes me want to gag.  

I assumed I would have weird cravings, but I figured it would be for ice cream or taco bell.  

Here is to my last 6 weeks of liking apples and hating mexican food!

34 Week Picture

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

34 Weeks

Time is flying by and we've already hit the 34 weeks mark.  I had my bi-weekly doctors appointment on Monday and everything is looking good.  My next appointment is on August 22nd and I'll start weekly appointments at that time.  At this appointment we'll talk more in depth about delivery and discuss when I'm to go off my medicines for labor.  

I do take a daily blood thinner injection.  I have a clotting disorder that made the daily injections necessary during the pregnancy and then probably for a little bit of time after delivery.  We need to make a plan because I have to be off my blood thinners for a certain amount of time before delivery but not too long.  It's a fine line and I will know more after my next appointment.  

I'm feeling good and the injections are no problem for me, I'm an old pro at them now.  I'm still walking the dog every morning and keeping busy but definitely moving a little slower at this point.  

Matt is in Portland, Oregon until the 15th for work and pleasure.  I wish I could see all our friends meeting out there from Struthers, I'll be thinking of you!  

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Babies R Us exploded in our house

Since the baby party this week has been a little bit crazy figuring out where all this baby stuff is going to go.  Here is what the room looked like before cleaning...

View 1...yes those are log walls.  We are living in the log cabin out at the farm.  This is a whole post in living to the extreme and we love it, usually.

More baby product throw up everywhere.

The laundry room.  Notice the diapers and wipes above the cupboards.  We ran out of room above the cupboards (they are stacked to the ceiling) and started stacking on the washer and dryer.  I have since moved the stack so I can actually wash things. 

We're making headway organizing the nursery.  I will post pictures when it's all together.  We're picking up the dresser/changing table this week from my moms an the only thing missing is the crib.  Matt is building the crib and I'm assured it will be done by the time baby arrives.  He wanted to do something special for baby and woodworking is his thing, so this project is very sweet and special....the fact that it isn't done yet only makes me a little bit crazy.  

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Baby Party

Sorry for slacking, since I recently learned other people besides my mom and Kate read this blog I'll try to do better about updating it.  Last Saturday was our baby kegger/diaper party.  It was a fantastic time and I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to everyone more.  I just want to thank everyone again for coming.  The generosity of our family and friends was overwhelming and humbling.  We appreciate and love all of you, thank you!

I managed to take a few pictures between talking to people...

Marcia made this and managed all the food throughout the night.  She is pretty amazing, thank you Marcia!

Aunt Beth, Uncle Eric and Grandma hanging out.

Me, Matt, our piggy and Willard.  The pig is wearing a diaper for the occasion.  Thank you for roasting our hog Willard!

Me and Uncle Baugher comparing 8 months pregnant I got him beat :)

Mo, who used to be my bff, but now I just ignore him to play with his baby Tyler

Aunt Amanda talking to baby Mongo (McClure)

Me, Nick & Deanna

Mom, Uncle Eric, Me, Uncle Randy, and Aunt Amanda

Late night, sweaty shot of me and Matt

So here is a little taste of the baby party.  Matt was concerned, but we did manage to finish the keg at we I mean Matt and Teri.  I'll post pictures of the aftermath tomorrow.  It looks like babies r us threw up in our guest room.