Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Almost full term!

I must admit I'm in a fantastic mood this week.  I'm turning 27, I hit 37 weeks on Thursday which is considered full term, and I get to stop my shots....it's a pretty awesome week.  I'm feeling good and my doctor was teasing me about going into labor on labor day, we'll see what happens!  It's so close we're so excited.

I packed our hospital bag this week and installed the car seat.  Let me tell you, I tried to make the car seat installation more difficult then it was and it led to lots of swearing.  Don't worry I figured it out and the seat is in and ready to go...even though I felt like an idiot, I got it done and read the entire manual.

I take our dog JJ for a walk every morning, I thought Matt should document this fact...not sure why.  Yes that giant crater in my shirt is my weird, stretched out belly button and I am indeed rocking the old Chi Omega sports shirt.  

36 Weeks bump picture.  Yes it is necessary for me to stand with my feet that far apart now...I'm like a weeble  (weebles wobble but they don't fall down...anyone else remember those?).

I'm feeling good still and Matt has been great.  I think he is starting to get nervous, there are a lot of 'How are you feeling'.  Just feeling pregnant, and I thought I lost my mind temporarily but apparently that was just nesting.  Feel free to come over and look in my drawers, they are all compulsively organized.  

Sometime in the next 3 weeks we'll have a baby!  We'll keep you updated!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Almost Shot Free!

We had a doctors appointment on Monday to talk about labor and delivery....holy cow we're getting close! The good news is I get to stop taking my shots next week.  I'll have to take them again once the baby is born, but I'll get to be shot free for a little bit anyway.

I have also dropped, lightened, whatever you would like to call it and am starting to thin.  Baby is getting ready!  I can't believe it is so close!  I have appointments every Monday now until baby arrives so we'll update you on the progress.

We have our last childbirth class tonight.  I know there are mixed feelings on the childbirth classes, but I say overall I'm glad we took them.  It helps we have friends in the class to sit and talk with.  Tonight a pediatrician is coming to answer any questions we have and who knows what else.

Baby McClure will be here before we know it!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Preggo Food Weirdness

 The weirdest thing about pregnancy has been food for me.  I had a short period of time where I craved hot dogs and another short period of time where it was Cool Ranch Doritos....totally weird.  Through most all of the pregnancy I have craved apples.  I eat an apple or applesauce everyday.  Now this may not seem so weird, but I have never liked apples.  The texture, all of it, would gross me out.  It will be interesting to see if I like apples after the baby comes.  

I also have not wanted any mexican food.  I would have eaten at El Vaquero or really any mexican restaurant everyday prior to pregnancy.  I loved it.  Now the thought of it makes me want to gag.  

I assumed I would have weird cravings, but I figured it would be for ice cream or taco bell.  

Here is to my last 6 weeks of liking apples and hating mexican food!

34 Week Picture

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

34 Weeks

Time is flying by and we've already hit the 34 weeks mark.  I had my bi-weekly doctors appointment on Monday and everything is looking good.  My next appointment is on August 22nd and I'll start weekly appointments at that time.  At this appointment we'll talk more in depth about delivery and discuss when I'm to go off my medicines for labor.  

I do take a daily blood thinner injection.  I have a clotting disorder that made the daily injections necessary during the pregnancy and then probably for a little bit of time after delivery.  We need to make a plan because I have to be off my blood thinners for a certain amount of time before delivery but not too long.  It's a fine line and I will know more after my next appointment.  

I'm feeling good and the injections are no problem for me, I'm an old pro at them now.  I'm still walking the dog every morning and keeping busy but definitely moving a little slower at this point.  

Matt is in Portland, Oregon until the 15th for work and pleasure.  I wish I could see all our friends meeting out there from Struthers, I'll be thinking of you!  

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Babies R Us exploded in our house

Since the baby party this week has been a little bit crazy figuring out where all this baby stuff is going to go.  Here is what the room looked like before cleaning...

View 1...yes those are log walls.  We are living in the log cabin out at the farm.  This is a whole post in itself...country living to the extreme and we love it, usually.

More baby product throw up everywhere.

The laundry room.  Notice the diapers and wipes above the cupboards.  We ran out of room above the cupboards (they are stacked to the ceiling) and started stacking on the washer and dryer.  I have since moved the stack so I can actually wash things. 

We're making headway organizing the nursery.  I will post pictures when it's all together.  We're picking up the dresser/changing table this week from my moms an the only thing missing is the crib.  Matt is building the crib and I'm assured it will be done by the time baby arrives.  He wanted to do something special for baby and woodworking is his thing, so this project is very sweet and special....the fact that it isn't done yet only makes me a little bit crazy.  

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Baby Party

Sorry for slacking, since I recently learned other people besides my mom and Kate read this blog I'll try to do better about updating it.  Last Saturday was our baby kegger/diaper party.  It was a fantastic time and I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to everyone more.  I just want to thank everyone again for coming.  The generosity of our family and friends was overwhelming and humbling.  We appreciate and love all of you, thank you!

I managed to take a few pictures between talking to people...

Marcia made this and managed all the food throughout the night.  She is pretty amazing, thank you Marcia!

Aunt Beth, Uncle Eric and Grandma hanging out.

Me, Matt, our piggy and Willard.  The pig is wearing a diaper for the occasion.  Thank you for roasting our hog Willard!

Me and Uncle Baugher comparing bellies....at 8 months pregnant I got him beat :)

Mo, who used to be my bff, but now I just ignore him to play with his baby Tyler

Aunt Amanda talking to baby Mongo (McClure)

Me, Nick & Deanna

Mom, Uncle Eric, Me, Uncle Randy, and Aunt Amanda

Late night, sweaty shot of me and Matt

So here is a little taste of the baby party.  Matt was concerned, but we did manage to finish the keg at 1am....by we I mean Matt and Teri.  I'll post pictures of the aftermath tomorrow.  It looks like babies r us threw up in our guest room.