I packed our hospital bag this week and installed the car seat. Let me tell you, I tried to make the car seat installation more difficult then it was and it led to lots of swearing. Don't worry I figured it out and the seat is in and ready to go...even though I felt like an idiot, I got it done and read the entire manual.
I take our dog JJ for a walk every morning, I thought Matt should document this fact...not sure why. Yes that giant crater in my shirt is my weird, stretched out belly button and I am indeed rocking the old Chi Omega sports shirt.
36 Weeks bump picture. Yes it is necessary for me to stand with my feet that far apart now...I'm like a weeble (weebles wobble but they don't fall down...anyone else remember those?).
I'm feeling good still and Matt has been great. I think he is starting to get nervous, there are a lot of 'How are you feeling'. Just feeling pregnant, and I thought I lost my mind temporarily but apparently that was just nesting. Feel free to come over and look in my drawers, they are all compulsively organized.
Sometime in the next 3 weeks we'll have a baby! We'll keep you updated!