Tuesday, October 25, 2011

UT Homecoming

Zach's first homecoming was a success.  It was a beautiful day and nice to see a few old friends.  We didn't stay for the game, but UT won....way to go Rockets!

Zach liked tailgating so much he slept through all of it snuggled up with Peg

Twins....oh so ridiculous

Monday, October 10, 2011

Amish Matt's Crib

Matt did finish the crib right after we got home from the hospital.  He really would have had it done and in the house by Saturday morning before I was induced if I wouldn't have messed it up and gone into labor on my own on Friday night.  The thing is gorgeous.  I know I got a little stressed about it not being done but it was well worth the wait.  I'm sorry that I may have over reacted when I went out and saw Matt chiseling pieces to fit and again started the conversation about how he should just use screws and modern wood working technology.  Matt managed to build this crib, that could hold a grown man, without using any metal parts until the end.  He only used screws to connect the box spring to the bottom.

I am just so impressed and proud of Matt.  It is a beautiful piece of woodworking and our first family heirloom.

Still in pieces in the shop

Matt putting one of the sides together

Putting it together in the nursery with JJ there to supervise

Putting the pins in to hold it together...why yes, screws would be much easier, but apparently less safe and less pretty

All put together!  Yes that is the deer mobile and bedding.  It goes well with the log cabin look.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

One Handed Wonder

I have discovered I can do the following things with one hand...

- Make lunch
- Eat lunch
- Transfer laundry
- Make a grocery list
- Look up recipes online (those crock pot girls are pretty amazing)
- Feed the dog...I have not mastered getting him water, that makes a mess
- Prepare a bottle
- Read a book (the Nook was the greatest gift ever)

....and I managed to do it all without hitting the baby's head on anything, which is impressive.  I'm sure I'll have more things to add by next week.

Zach also had his first real bath.  He didn't hate it, but I wouldn't say he liked it.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Gearing up for the Outage

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the outage at Davis Besse, which means Matt will be working 12 hour days, 6 days a week.  He will get each Saturday off (if nothing goes horribly wrong) and will hopefully be done with the outage by the beginning of November.  Needless to say we're not looking forward to it and will miss Matt at home.  This afternoon we got to visit with Matt's family and Zach got to meet his great grandpa McClure.  Zach has now met 6 grandparents, 5 great grandparents and 1 great great grandma...he is pretty lucky to have so much family that loves him!

Last night we got wild and crazy and went out to dinner and signed up for a Sam's Club membership.  If you want 4 gallons of ketchup feel free to use our card.  I debated buying a pallet of coffee and diet pepsi but resisted.

Tonight we're trying to relax and soak up some family time since it will be just me and the little man hanging out soon, feel free to come visit :)  I think while Matt is working crazy hours we will try to do some visiting...we'll see.  Some days I'm just lucky to shower let alone go visit people.

Sleepy baby burrito

Our first doctors appointment....Matt couldn't believe I took a picture.  I made sure to do it before the doctor came in so I wouldn't look crazy.